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[Secura] 希望S服政府不要簽"NAP停戰條約"


On day 705, Taiwan, China, USA, and Lithuania entered into a NAP agreement as set forth below. This agreement will expire on day 747.

A. Direct Wars

1. Lithuania will not declare war on China, Latvia, or Russia during this NAP agreement.
2. USA will not declare war on China, Taiwan, or Russia during this NAP agreement.
3. China will not declare war against USA or Lithuania during this NAP agreement.
4. Taiwan will not declare war against USA or Canada during this NAP agreement.
5. USA will ensure that Canada does not declare war against Taiwan.
6. China will ensure that Russia does not declare war against USA.
7. Taiwan will send cease-fire proposals to Canada and USA.
8. Canada and USA will accept Taiwan's cease-fire proposal.

B. Territories

9. China will release all Lithuanian territories to Lithuania. China and Taiwan will not fight in any resistance wars in Lithuania.
10. USA agrees not to invade Canada Pacific Coast. Canada Pacific Coast will serve as a buffer zone between USA and Taiwan.
11. As set forth below, the parties to this NAP agree "not to interfere" with the acts of other parties in certain territories. By agreeing "not to interfere" in a territory, a party agrees not to: (1) start, fund, or fight in a resistance war in the territory; (2) assign, supply, hire, or encourage a MU (including mercenaries) to fight in a battle in the territory; (3) supply, fund, or support a civil war in the territory; or (4) enter into a MPP with the territory.
12. USA and Lithuania agree not to interfere with China in Russia.
13. USA and Lithuania agree not to interfere with China in Finland.
14. USA and Lithuania agree not to interfere with China in Latvia.
15. USA and Lithuania agree not to interfere with Taiwan in South Korea.
16. China and Taiwan agree not to interfere with USA in Canada.
17. China and Taiwan agree not to interfere with USA in Mexico.
18. China and Taiwan agree not to fight in any battles involving the Lithuania and USA core territories.
19. Lithuania and USA agree not to fight in any battles involving China and Taiwan core territories.

C. Other

20. When this agreement becomes effective, USA Org will pay China Org 300 gold for the DS destroyed in Lithuania.
21. This agreement will become effective when signed by USA Org, Taiwan Org, China Org, and Lithuania Org. Canada Org and Russia Org will also be invited to sign this agreement.
22. If Lithuania breaches this agreement, China will be permitted to declare war against Lithuania; however, all other aspects of this agreement will continue to be in effect. In particular, USA's obligations not to interfere with China and Taiwan and China and Taiwan's obligations not to interfere with USA continue even if Lithuania breaches this agreement.
23. If USA, Taiwan, or China breaches this agreement, all obligations in this agreement are terminated. The breaching party will suffer shame and dishonor.






本帖最後由 KATSURA 於 2014-8-2 17:07 編輯






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