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Weserflug P.1003/1傾轉旋翼機

         This VTOL (Vertical TakeOff and Landing) aircraft project's design, by Weserflug, dates from 1938. The fuselage was fairly conventional, with a standard tail unit. The real difference in this design were the wings, which were hinged and tiltable about halfway along the length of the wings. Mounted on each end of the wing was a nacelle featuring a large diameter propeller. The wing was mounted high on the fuselage, so that the propeller would have the necessary ground clearance when the wing was tilted in flight position. A single Daimler-Benz DB 600 series engine was located in the fuselage behind the cockpit, and drove both propellers. The engine was fed by an air intake located in the nose. The main gear retracted into the fuselage, and the rear tail wheel retracted beneath the tail. A crew of two sat in a cockpit located in the top forward section of the aircraft.
          Although this was a very novel idea for an aircraft at this time, the concept never left the drawing board. A very similar design was later built by the United States as the Boeing V-22 Osprey, and began testing in 1989. Even today, the tilt-rotor concept is proving troublesome, and the fact that there would have had to be a very complex gearing arrangement for the Weserflug P.1103 (to tilt the wings and keep constant power to the large diameter propellers) would have proven a very difficult design hurdle.


  這個VTOL(垂直起降)飛機項目的設計, 由Weserflug開始於1938年。有傳統的機身,以及標準的尾翼。真正的區別,是在這個設計中有一半長度的機翼是絞接、可傾斜的。安裝在機翼的末端是設有一個大直徑螺旋槳的短艙。機翼的安裝高於機身,使螺旋槳在就飛行位置時離地面有一定的距離。一個戴姆勒-奔馳 DB 200 系列引擎( Daimler-Benz DB 600 series engine),位於機身的駕駛艙後方,提供動力給兩側螺旋槳。供給該引擎的進氣口位於機鼻。主要機輪縮回到機身,後部的尾輪縮回機尾下方。兩名駕駛員坐在機身前方的頂部。
  雖然這架飛機在這個時代是一個非常新穎的想法,但這概念從來沒有離開過繪圖板。一個非常相似的設計,在不久後由美國設計出,就是波音V-22魚鷹,並於1989年開始測試。即使在今天,傾轉旋翼的概念也被證明是棘手的,事實上對於P.1103 Weserflug來說,這就是一個非常複雜的傳動裝置(傾斜翅膀並保持穩定的動力給大直徑螺旋槳)就被証明是個非常困難的設計障礙。

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