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標題: 容克“無名”對地攻擊機 [打印本頁]

作者: 0072005    時間: 2012-8-28 00:08     標題: 容克“無名”對地攻擊機

Junkers "Unnamed" Ground Attack Aircraft

       In the middle of 1944, the Junkers aircraft company worked on a project for a low-level ground attack aircraft to replace the Henschel Hs 129 ground attack aircraft.  The fuselage was stout and tapered, and was armored throughout.  Fuel was contained entirely in the armored fuselage. The wings were straight and exhibited taper on both the leading and trailing edges. A twin fin and rudder configuration was chosen with the tailplanes being horizontal.  The engines were to be two Daimler Benz ZTL 109-007 double-bypass jet engines and were mounted in the wing roots.  These engines were designed to allow a considerable increase in power but had a reduced fuel consumption and were designed by Prof. Dr. -Ing. Karl Leist.  As a consequence of the secondary compressed airflow circuit, the intake and overall diameter of the engine was larger than the BMW 003 or Jumo 004 jet engines. The main landing gear retracted sideways into the fuselage, and the nose "gear" consisted of a retractable, pneumatically sprung skid. Two men comprised the crew and they sat in a cockpit in the aircraft's nose. Armament was to consist of one MK 103 30mm cannon in the nose and two MG 151/20 20mm cannon in the lower wing roots.
        The engine development dragged on at Daimler-Benz, and the fact that they started rather late in the war led to all development being stopped on this Junkers aircraft project, especially since this airframe was designed around these engines. In a way, the design lived on with the US Fairchild A-10 "Thunderbolt II" or "Warthog".

  在1944年中,容克(Junkers)進行的一個飛機項目,一個低空對地攻擊機,以取代亨舍爾HS129(Henschel Hs 129)對地攻擊機。機身粗壯、錐形,裝甲遍佈。燃料完全被包含在機身裝甲中。機翼是直的並表現出錐形於前緣和後緣。雙翅片和方向舵的配置被選中與尾翼一起以保持水平平衡。引擎是兩個戴姆勒 - 奔馳ZTL109-007雙涵道噴氣發動機(Daimler Benz ZTL 109-007 double-bypass jet engines),安裝於翼根。這些引擎的設計令動力大幅度的增加,但又可減少燃料的消耗,由教授Dr. -Ing. Karl Leist設計。由於二次壓縮空氣流迴路的後果,引擎的進氣口和直徑是大於the BMW 003 or Jumo 004噴氣發動機的。主起落架往機身側面收起到機身內,於機鼻的"輪"由一個可伸縮的氣動彈簧橇組成。兩人組成的機組員,坐在飛機頭的駕駛艙中。武器裝備是一個MK 10330mm機砲安裝在在機鼻,和兩個MG 151/2020毫米機砲在較低的機翼根部。

  研發戴姆勒 - 奔馳(Daimler-Benz)引擎的拖延,還有他們在戰爭中起步較晚的事實,導致所有研發項目停滯在這個容克飛機項目,特別是機身設計圍繞著這個引擎。某種程度上,這個設計寄宿於美國的Fairchild A-10 "雷霆II" 或 "疣豬"。

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