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標題: Junkers EF 132轟炸機 [打印本頁]

作者: 0072005    時間: 2012-8-28 00:07     標題: Junkers EF 132轟炸機

          The Junkers EF 132 was one of the last aircraft project developments undertaken by Junkers in WWII, and was the culmination of the Ju 287 design started in 1942. The shoulder-mounted wings were swept back at a 35 degree angle and featured a small amount of anhedral. Six Jumo 012 jet engines, each of which developed 2500 kp (5500 lbs) of thrust, were buried in the wing roots. Wind tunnel results showed the advantages of having the engines within the wing, rather than causing drag by being mounted below the wing surfaces. Several wooden mockups were built of the wing sections, in order to find the best way to mount the engines without wasting too much space while at the same time providing maintenance accessibility.  The landing flaps were designed to be split flaps, and the goal was to make the gearing and operation simple. Because of the high placement of the wings to the fuselage, an unbroken bomb bay of 12 meters (39' 4") could be utilized in the center fuselage.  The tail planes were also swept back and the EF 132 had a normal vertical fin and rudder. An interesting landing gear arrangement was planned, that consisted of a nose wheel, two tandem main wheels beneath the center rear fuselage, and outrigger-type wheels under each outer wing. A fully glazed, pressurized cockpit located in the extreme fuselage nose held a crew of five. Armament consisted of two twin 20mm cannon turrets (one located aft of the cockpit, the other beneath the fuselage) and a tail turret containing another twin 20mm cannon. All of this defensive armament were remotely controlled from the cockpit, and a bomb load of 4000-5000 kg (8818-11023 lbs) was envisioned to be carried.
          A windtunnel model was tested in early 1945, and a 1:1 scale wooden mockup was also built at the Dessau Junkers facility to test the placement of various components, and also to check different air intake openings in the wing leading edge for the jet engines. The development stage had progressed far when the Soviets overran the Dessau complex and took possession of all of the Ju 287 and EF 132 designs and components. The Soviets gave its approval for the bombed out Junkers Dessau factory to be partially rebuilt, the wind tunnels repaired and the jet engine test and manufacturing facilities to be put back into operation.  The wooden mockup was inspected frequently by Soviet officials when the entire complex was carted up and removed to the USSR, along with forcibly removing all Junkers employees in October 1946. Work was begun on a glider to further test the flight handling characteristics, which was reported to be excellent. Construction work had begun on the Ju EF 132 when an order was given to stop all work, and the project was canceled.

  Junkers EF 132(容克EF132)是Junkers(容克)在二戰所進行的最後一個開發項目,這也是開始於1942年,Ju 287(容克287)設計的高潮。
肩式機翼後掠35度角和具特色的少量反角。以及6個 Jumo 012 噴氣發動機,每一個可以提供的2500 KG(原文可能打錯了我猜)(5500磅)的推力,藏於翼根中。風洞實驗結果顯示,發動機藏在機翼中的優點,比起安裝在機翼表面下方導致拖累來得更好。幾個木製樣機做出不一樣的翼部,以便找到最好的方式來安裝發動機,避免浪費太多空間,同時又可以進行維修。著路襟翼被設計為分體式襟翼,目的是使傳動裝置及操作簡單化。由於在機身高位置的機翼,一個完整的彈艙12米(39'4“)可運用在機身中央。尾翼也是後掠的,和EF132一樣有正常的垂直尾翼和方向舵。一個有趣的起落架佈置被規劃出來,由一個前輪和兩個安裝在機身中心下方串聯的主輪,還有在每個外翼下的支腿型車輪組成。一個全玻璃且加壓的駕駛艙位於機鼻涵蓋了五名機組人員。武器包括兩個雙門20毫米機砲砲塔(位於駕駛艙,機身下方),和尾部砲塔的另一雙20mm機砲。這種防禦性武器從駕駛艙遠程控制,以一個載彈量4000-5000公斤(8818-11023英鎊)的設想來進行。

  於1945年初進行風洞模型實驗,ㄧ個1:1比例的木製樣機也建造在德紹容克(Dessau Junkers)的設施,以測試各組件的位置,也可以檢查在飛機前緣給噴射發動機不同的進氣口。當開發已經取得一定的階段發展時,蘇聯佔領了德紹(Dessau)的建築群,也佔據了Ju 287 和 EF 132的設計和組件。蘇聯批准給被轟炸的容克德紹工廠進行部分重建,修復了風洞,也將噴氣發動機的生產和測試設施被放回運作。木製樣機經常給蘇聯官員檢查,同時整個系統被蘇聯運走及拆卸,以及強行開除所有容克的員工,於1946年10月。工作開始於滑翔機上進行,以進一步測試操作性能,在報告中,性能也是極為優秀的。當Ju EF 132的建設工作開始時,就被下令停止所有工作,該方案也被取消。

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