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標題: 梅賽施密特 P.1110 "ENTE" [打印本頁]

作者: 0072005    時間: 2013-12-17 00:17     標題: 梅賽施密特 P.1110 "ENTE"

ME  P.1110 "ENTE"(德文:鴨)

This was another variation of the P.1110 design. The design was of a "duck" (Ente) configuration, that is, small wings (or canards) in front with the larger wing to the rear. This was felt would allow good pitch and lateral stability for low-speed flight characteristics. The air intakes for the single HeS 011 turbojet were located on the fuselage sides, much like the Me P.1110/I. The cockpit was located in the extreme forward fuselage and four MK 108 30mm cannon were located to the sides of the cockpit. Messerchmitt dropped this design in favor of the more conventional P.1110.

譯文:這是P.1110設計的另一種型號。這設計是個“鴨子”(鴨子)的形態,確實是,小機翼(或前舵)在位於後部更大的機翼的前方。這被認為是得以良好的俯仰和橫向穩定性低速飛行的特徵。單HES011渦噴發動機的進氣口分別位於機身兩側,很像Me P.1110/I。駕駛艙位於機身非常前面的部位,四門MK10830mm機砲均位於駕駛艙的兩側。梅塞斯密特放棄了這個設計,較贊成更傳統的P.1110。


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