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標題: F25 & F55 Feuerlilie 防空飛彈 [打印本頁]

作者: 0072005    時間: 2013-12-12 16:15     標題: F25 & F55 Feuerlilie 防空飛彈

本帖最後由 0072005 於 2013-12-12 16:27 編輯

Rheinmetall-Borsig F25 & F55 Feuerlilie anti-aircraft missile
萊茵金屬公司-博爾西希 F25 & F55 Feuerlilie 防空飛彈


The "Feuerlilie" (Fire Lilly) anti-aircraft missile program was begun as a high-speed research program by the Forschungsführung (the Research Control section)of the RLM to obtain data for future guided missiles.  In order to obtain funding, it was decided to design the "Feuerlilie" as a flak or anti-aircraft missile. The "Feuerlilie" was designed in two configurations, the F25 and F55, the number being the fuselage diameter in centimeters, using the basic aerodynamic shapes developed by Dr. G. Braun and A. Busemann of the Luftfahrtforschungsansalt (LFA).
        The F25 "Feuerlilie" was merely a sounding rocket and designed for obtaining aerodynamic data at trans-sonic speeds. It was still deliberately designed as if it was an anti-aircraft missile, with provisions for warheads and fusing. The fuselage was cylindrical, with the wings mounted in a mid-fuselage position. There were small fins at the tips of the swept-back wing, and there was a single fin at the rear of the fuselage having a high mounted tailplane with elevators working together or differentially for control. Power was supplied by a single Rheinmetall 109-505 solid diglycol fuelled rocket motor which produced 500 kg (1100 lbs) of thrust for six seconds. The F25 "Feuerlilie" was launched from an inclined ramp (controlled by an LFA-designed autopilot) and from an aircraft (controlled by a radio link). The first test launchings were made in April 1943 at Leba and the island of Greifswalder Oie, near Peenemünde. Three missiles were launched, of which one was a sucess. In July 1943, three more F25 "Feuerlilie" missile were test fired, all of which worked flawlessly and gave the desired information.
       The F55 "Feuerlilie", which was designed for supersonic speeds, was a tailless design, with the wings also mounted in a mid-fuselage position, and moved to the extreme rear of the missile. Small fins were located on the wing tips. The power was to be supplied by a liquid-propellant rocket  motor which was to use R-Stoff and S-Stoff to produce a thrust of 6350 kg (13970 lbs) for seven seconds. This rocket engine was designed by Dr. Conrad of the DVK, who also designed the rocket motors for the Enzian and Rheintochter). The first tests of the F55 "Feuerlilie" were made in May 1944 near Pomerania , using four of the solid propellant fuelled Rheinmetall 109-505 rocket engines. These tests were sucessful, reaching speeds of Mach 1.25. The second test, which used Dr. Conrad's liquid fuelled rocket engine, was not sucessful and a third test shot slated for a November 1944 firing at Peenemünde was never fired.

Feuerlilie(火百合)防空飛彈計劃一開始是一個高速研究計劃,由帝國航空部(RLM)的研究指南(研究控制部份)為未來的導彈獲得資料。為了獲得資金,因而決定設計“Feuerlilie”作為高射砲或防空導彈。Feuerlilie有兩種設計,為 F25 & F55,彈體的直徑數字是以公分為單位,採用由航空研究機構(FLA)的A.布澤曼博士與G.布朗博士研究的基本空氣動力學形狀。

F25 "Feuerlilie" 僅是個設計為在超音速之下,獲取空氣動力學數據的探空火箭。它仍被刻意設計成乍看之下就像是個防空飛彈,還配備了彈頭與引信。彈體呈圓柱形,機翼被安裝於彈體的中央位置(此中央並非前段中段後段之分的中央,而是從頭到尾之中線之中央)。後掠翼的翼尖有一對小鰭,有個單鰭在彈體後端並有高式水平尾翼,與升降舵一起或分別運作來控制。動力是由一個萊茵金屬公司109-505固體二甘醇燃料火箭發動機提供,生產500公斤推力(1100磅)持續六秒鐘。F25“Feuerlilie”從一個傾斜的斜坡(由航空研究機構設計的自動駕駛儀控制)或飛機上(由無線鏈路控制)發射。第一次試射是在1943年4月於Leba與Greifswalder Oie島(位於今德國東北部),在佩內明德附近。有三枚進行發射,其中一枚成功。在1943年7月,另外三枚F25“Feuerlilie”導彈進行了試射,全部都準確無誤地運行,並得到所需的資料。

F55“Feuerlilie”專為超音速設計,是無尾翼設計,機翼同樣安裝在彈體中央位置,並移到導彈的最後面。小鰭均位於機翼翼尖。動力是由液體推進劑火箭發動機提供,其使用 R-Stoff(一種火箭推進劑) 跟 S-Stoff(一種火箭推進劑)來產生6350公斤(13970磅)的推力持續7秒。該火箭發動機是由DVK(德國晶體學學會)的康拉德博士設計,他也替 Enzian(一種地對空飛彈)與Rheintochter(一種地對空飛彈)設計火箭發動機。F55“Feuerlilie”的第一次測試是在1944年5月近波美拉尼亞(德國和波蘭北部),使用以四個固體推進劑為燃料的萊茵金屬公司109-505火箭發動機。這些測試都成功,速度達到1.25馬赫。第二次測試,使用康拉德博士的液體燃料火箭發動機,而未能成功。第三次測試預計於1944年11月在佩內明德發射,但從未發射。

作者: 將軍    時間: 2013-12-12 20:26

作者: 0072005    時間: 2013-12-13 11:03

作者: G.E.M.歌迷樂    時間: 2014-8-15 22:32


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