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標題: [外語] 安托萬德森(Antoine Dodson)-夜襲之歌 [打印本頁]

作者: 將軍    時間: 2013-2-11 21:01     標題: 安托萬德森(Antoine Dodson)-夜襲之歌


著名的視頻網站YouTube剛剛評出了2010年十大最受歡迎的視頻。其中搞怪滑稽的《夜襲者之歌》(Bed Intruder Song)榮登榜首。

這是發生在美國阿拉巴馬州Lincoln Park貧民區的真實故事。一名夜襲的賊入室欲性侵犯一黑人妹妹,哥哥Antoine Dodson聽到動靜前來,賊潛逃。在一次新聞採訪中。哥哥對著鏡頭破口大駡,表達了他對夜襲者的憤怒,說:“你們要小心,藏好你的女人,藏好你的孩子……” ,還說“你好傻,留下了T恤和指紋,我們會抓到你的”。始料不及的是,流行組合“格裡高利兄弟”將這段新聞視頻配上RAP曲調並演唱了出來,視頻被YouTube喜劇小組惡搞發佈後,吸引了無數網友觀看,Dobson也很快成了網路紅星。
  值得一提的是,這首《夜襲者之歌》現在iTunes上已有數千人購買,更成為Billboard歌曲榜百強之一。不僅如此,Dobson還應邀成為一款手機應用軟體的代言人。這款軟體可以監測到任一區域內在案的性犯罪者的人數,還可以通過攝像頭並根據公共記錄和法律執行資料定位罪犯。由於這首歌的分紅加上代言的收入,Antoine Dodson一家迅速致富,已經買房搬出了貧民區。


[Chorus: Antoine Dodson]
He's climbin in your windows
He's snatchin your people up
Tryna rape em so y'all need to
Hide your kids, hide your wife
Hide your kids, hide your wife
Hide your kids, hide your wife
And hide your husband cuz they're rapin everybody out here
You don't have to come and confess
We're lookin for you
We gon find you we gon find you
So you can run and tell that,
Run and tell that
Run and tell that, homeboy
Home, home, homeboy
[Verse 1: Antoine Dodson & Kelly Dodson]
We got your t-shirt
You done left fingerprints and all
You are so dumb
You are really dumb--for real
You are really, really, really, really so dumb
I was attacked by some idiot in the projects
So dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so
[Chorus: Antoine Dodson]

[Verse 2: Antoine Dodson]
Bout 5'9", 5'10", Coffee complexion
Low cut like a Caesar with some little waves in his head
Clean cut, very smooth face
Seein my sister when i walked in
He had his hands around her neck
First thing was to pull him off of her
And that's what i did
[Chorus: Antoine Dodson]
[Verse 3: Antoine Dodson & Kelly Dodson]
Well, obviously we have a rapist in Lincoln Park
Are you serious, my boy?
I got your t-shirt
I got your scent
I know what shoe size you wear, my boy
So you can run and hide
But we're gonna find you, find you
[Chorus x2: Antoine Dodson]




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