0072005 發表於 2016-1-25 10:23:56

梅賽施密特 P.1110/II 攔截機

Messerschmitt P.1110

   This was the second Messerschmitt design for a high-altitude single-seat fighter. It differed from the Me P.1110/I mainly in the V-tail unit and the annular air intake behind the cockpit. Like the Me P.1110/I, the Me P.1110/II had 40 degree swept-back wings, an HeS 011 jet engine and was armed with three MK 108 30mm cannon in the nose with a provision for two more in the wing roots.

譯文:這是第二個梅賽施密特所設計用於高空域的單座戰鬥機。他與Me P.1110/I不同在於V型尾翼部份與環狀進氣口都在駕駛艙後面。Me P.1110/II與Me P.1110/I相同的是,它有40度的後掠翼,HeS 011噴射引擎並配有3門MK 10830mm機砲,一個位在機鼻、兩個位於機翼的近機身處。

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